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Research Paper

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Javies Ngui Joel, Patrick Awuor, Natalia Blanco, Marie-Claude C. Lavoie, Taylor Lascko, Carol Ngunu, Jonathan Mwangi, Immaculate Mutisya, Caroline Ng’eno, Rebecca Wangusi, Emily Koech. Scale-up of HIV index testing in an urban population: Experiences and achievements from Nairobi County, Kenya.


Patrick Eshikumo, Patrick Awuor, Natalia Blanco, Marie-Claude Lavoie, Anna Whittington, Rebecca Wangusi, Joshua Kimani, Caroline Ngunu, Jesca Omai, Wycliffe Obwiri, Immaculate Mutisya, Emily Koech

Factors Associated with Retention in HIV Prevention and Treatment Clinical Services Among Female Sex Workers Enrolled in a Sex Workers’ Outreach Program (SWOP) in Nairobi, Kenya.


Susan K. Musau, Christina Mwachari, Elvis Kirui, Junghae Muthoni, Taylor Lascko, Natalia Blanco, Alash’le Abimiku, and Emily Koech

Implementing an intensified mentorship approach towards accelerated medical laboratory accreditation in 10 counties in Kenya.


Rose Nyaboke, Habib Omari Ramadhani, Taylor Lascko, Patrick Awuor, Elvis Kirui, Emily Koech, Immaculate Mutisya, Carol Ngunu, Rebecca Wangusi

Factors associated with adherence and VLS among patients on 2nd-line ART in Nairobi

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